Hello there! Periodically I open the blog to your questions.
Now, in all fairness, I do answer questions in the comments on ANY topic when you post a question in the comments. But, let’s do a blog post specifically for your questions. Go down at the end of this post and click on the comments section and post your question there.
Feel free to ASK Me anything; I’m a cock teasing Femdom I’ll manage My responses. *wink* This is your place to ask about phone sex, erotic conversations, how I handle IM chats before the call, do I like sissies …. all the stuff you want to know.
OH and if you’d like to read up on any and every thing to do with fetish sex take a look at our Femdom Fetish Essays. Even if you know what you like, take a look at some of the essays because I’m sure other ideas and topics will……ahem……come up and catch your …. attention. I’m referring to your INTELLECTUAL attention of course! ~laughs~
If your question is not about kink but if you’re curious about the Experienced Mistress you can also ask those types of questions. You know that I’m totally curious about you, your real sexual issues and more. Frankly, what you ask Me also tells Me about you….and I like that! I’m taking Saturday off, but if you post questions quickly, I’ll get to them right away (in between calls) and, who knows, YOU might inspire and be the topic of future blog posts! I like THAT as well 🙂
Ms Olivia
Do you have a day job? I occassionally wonder about some of the people I know at work or out of it what they would be like if they were in some sex related industry. And who knows, maybe some of them are.
LOL @ wellspanked …. I did when I first started in phone sex …. I was a professional photographer. Now, I’m full time in phone sex as a career … this is even MORE interesting than photography and more honest than journalism (also a former career).
So I should fantasize about the local news anchors, hmmm, or maybe or maybe play some sexy female anchor and the cameraman. LOL.
ok another question. Will new running shoes help my sore knee after treadmill running or do I have to switch to ourdoor running only? Hey, it’s a legitimate question. heh
note to self……don’t drink coffee while reading blog comments! ~laughs~
I’m going to take the Fifth on the first question. You’ll not the twitter description does say former journalist, current phone sex artist. LOL
Now, to the second ….. hmmmmmm….. I think I’ll HAND you a 5th and then you sure won’t feel ANY pain when you run.
Or…..make you PLAY a Fifth (of Beethoven) and you’ll be sitting down…..again, won’t matter.
All that is a short answer for……beats the hell outta me! ~laughs~
Here’s my question:
Would you do a 3 way call with me and my local cable company?
This thought occurred to me as I went into my 23rd minute on hold only to find out Harry the Cable Guy can’t come out until the vernal equinox of 2014:
No way Olivia has to deal with this crap.
So then I started fantasying about being a dominant woman with a really sexy voice. That usually only happens when I’m watching certain Ron Jeremy films.
The call would not be explicit, mostly billing, scheduling and possibly someone getting a spanking. Just do your thing and I ‘ll try to keeps my moans of ecstasy down when they tell you they’ll be out in ten minutes and I’m getting free HBO for the next 3 years.
Basically I want CSE. The customer service experience.
Then I want to 3 way call Jimmy Johns. Freaky fast is not good enough. I want freaky, freaky, freaky fast and 6 guys showing up at my door carrying one sandwich. You could make that happen.
Finally we will call Microsoft Customer Care. I want you to absolutely blow Rakesh’s mind as I try to reboot Windows 7 for the 12th time.
Sorry my question sucked. Just erase it. Here is another one:
What’s the strangest/most unique celebrity you have been asked to portray on a call? I got $10 says Ernest Borgnine.
ROFLOL Hank! Yer comments are killin’ Me….I swear the way to My pants are thru My laughter or My mind … and true humor is always smart.
Direct answer: Strangest celebrity fantasy request: Sarah Palin, DURING the debate…..WHILE I was watching the debate.
Okay, I turned off the debate but it was STILL the strangest 🙂
Hi MsOlivia! Well I haven’t exactly been shy with my asking You questions already in other posts but I won’t pass up my chance here.
I’ll ask a different kind of question though. You have mentioned before how You started Your phone sex career, but how did You get into journalism and photography? And do You think that experience has added to Your abilities in what You do now?
@ magnus I love all your questions, comments and diversions….you totally make Me smile!!
Okay……journalism was the main career for YEARS …. photography came after and I was an event/portrait photog not a photo journalist.
I got into journalism b/c I love learning! Figured it was a great way to get paid to ask people questions, learn new things and be an ‘advocate of informed decisions’ ….. this was before ‘infomercials disguised as reportage”… ….
HEY! I just read what I wrote. ~laughs~ It sounds like the same reason why I’m doing phone sex as a career!
The actual break into the journalism job market came thru doing volunteer work …. for free and for fun, giving back blessings to the community without expectation of payback. That internal commitment to being part of a community and a contributor within (and to) *my* community continues here. 🙂
I think ALL My life experiences contribute to My artistic ability on calls ….. sure, the career has influenced some of the technical stuff like ability to research, write, ad lib, process information, voice work, etc. Life experiences contribute and I’ve had many varied experiences. It ALL goes into the quality of the call. Ms Ally has been the single BEST mentor ever in My life in many ways….that has given Me the *freedom* to be totally available and focused on the creative end of this.
Interesting that you were a professional photographer. Got any cool concert shots? I would LOVE one for the Phoenix! As for more kinky questions…..- I have always been interested in what traits a Mistress such as yourself looks for in her ideal submissive? I am speaking of those qualities that are separate from any specific kink. Is it obedience, thoughtfulness, how adoring they are? Or is it creativity, intelligence, humor and openness to your ideas anx direction? Perhaps it is something else? What floats your boat in a sub Ms Olivia?
LOL Mike….actually yes I do have concert photos but I don’t post My professional shots in this venue.
Hmmmmm…..what floats My boat? I actually lived on a boat for a year so the flip answer of course is…..wait for it now …… WATER!
Okay…….in phone sex just as with communication in other areas of life it’s more the QUALITY of the interactions.
I like people are willing to be straightforward in their communications. I don’t care if you don’t know HOW to say what you want….I have endless patience. What I don’t like is the person who wants ME to *guess* what they want and then tells me that I’m guessing wrong. I don’t *do* attempts at manipulation of Me, whining or negativity even on calls that are paid sessions. LOL I LOVE LIFE !!! Now, I have compassion, etc and genuinely want to help/support but I’m a *get to the solution* kinda gal in personal relations.
With submissives, how that plays out is the discussion about the Power Exchange between us. That means I want the sub to SAY what he wants in the discussion. I’m totally fine with redirection during the call and don’t consider that topping from the bottom …. I’m a FAN of finding what WORKS! I’m fine even with a script from a submissive. I’m all about workability.
Does that answer your question…..LOL….or did I get distracted an answer answer something else?
Well something I also found out from the conference, is that there is a device for women to pee standing up. I think it is called thepstyle. Would you ever want to use such a device? Or have you. And if so how did it feel? I did post a blog, btw.
Sometimes, someone is helping you and you don’t even realize it at first. But I want to thank you for all of your blog posts from the bottom of my heart. Every time, it truely does help me find who I am more and more. Thank you so much Ms Olivia. Love ya, tifffy.
awww…..THANK YOU tiffy! I can’t even begin to tell you how much that means to me and Me. I have this really strong *community* and *give back to the community that in turn supports you* kind of ethic and this blog is a HUGE part of that 🙂
Okay…..so there IS something calls a pee mate …. it’s a cardboard and throw away device that basically acts as a wide collection into a funnel. I’m more of a *use My thigh muscles* kinda gal so I’m still aiming down even while standing. I’ve traveled all over the world and done a lot of hiking/camping so I’m fairly *comfortable* in most situations. ~laughs~
I *do* remember being VERY upset a long long long time ago when I realized my brother got to stand up …. I pitched a fit and was offered the opportunity to *experiment* in the bathtub …. all over my foot…..I must say, that cured me so of the urge to ….. ahem …. stand up! LOL
Hello Ms. Olivia. It is so generous of you to give us this format to communicate with you. Thank you!
First question, have you ever done a mistress interview with Ms. Tia? I looked but could not find you. If not, do you think it might be a possibility in the future? I ask because I think you are fascinating, and think the interview format would be a great way to learn more about you and your personality.
Hmm, I hope the second question is not too personal, but as you said, you will manage your answers. Have you used male orgasm control or chastity in your personal relationships? If so I’d love to hear about how you used it, and how it worked out. I ask because I’ve found that orgasm control and chastity can create a wonderful dynamic in a relationship (worshipful, loving, intense, in both directions) and wonder if you’ve had a similar experience, or a different experience.
*waves* Hi slavemind!
THANK YOU so much for the book! I arrived and I, of course, am THRILLED with it! I love that you send Me books that mean something to you and are right in line with My interests as well. THANK YOU!
Okies…..the Mistress Interview. Short answer – no I have done an interview with Tia.
~laughs~ Here’s the long answer. I’m NERVOUS about being interviewed! LOL Not about Tia, whom I love and adore (I’m her personal photog *wink*) …. but I’m used to being the one who DOES the interview, not on the other side. I *have* been interviewed a lot in My vanilla life and even when the intv. is from a trained journalist I didn’t much like it. Oh, hey……I just thought of something. Ms Tia’s Mistress Intv’s aren’t edited….LOL….maybe I will do it …. and you know, I will probably end up talking with her more than being *interviewed*.
Okay, the other issue is simply structural …. I often have some really LONG calls and I can’t always predict how long a particular phone sex call will go. I never want to end a call early to go do something else …. that’s My concern about any scheduled event during My login times 🙂
Male orgasm control and/or chastity…..that is a FABULOUS question and topic! You know what? I’m going to turn THAT question into a blog post and answer it there. THANK YOU !
Please tell Me about your experiences! Not just the physical part of it…..but, since you’re into the spirituality of BDsm, tell Me how this focuses the *transcendent* …. The control of the sexual and energetic power of orgasm can and does yield intense experiences way beyond the expected ones. It’s almost like fasting for a spiritual purpose is different then not eating for other reasons. Can you tell us more?
THANK YOU again for the books!
MsOlivia,I hope it is all right to make a comment here re an interview, but I did want to say I remember the interview You had done with MsJulia some years back that was a lot of fun to hear. I especially loved the part about the conversation between You and Your brother about Your new career (at the time). Good times.
Oh! LOL @ magnus…..I’d totally forgotten about that. *nods* I have done some interviews … or various conversations, live. You *know* if you get Me settled into a conversation (chat, email, phone sex, whatever) you know I’ll have something to say…..*wink*.
MsOlivia, it has also occurred to me to ask You what is on Your reading list currently. I know You’ve mentioned being a book lover.
Hi magnus 🙂 I love, love, love, WORDS…..lol, can you tell?
Let’s see, I’m traveling right now and one of My treats while traveling is to buy *airport* books…..so, thrillers and murder mysteries.
At home I mix it around and can be (and am) reading everything from science to philosophy to business books to history to …. the list is pretty much endless.
I read 5 -6 books at a time. Right now….Fatal Shore (Robert Hughes) – Australia from the *convict* point of view. (Finished Bill Bryson’s quirky Sunburned Country). Kevin Smith, My Boring-Ass life, and, of course, the kink books — Uniquely Rika (from slave jeff), Consensual Spanking (gift from M) and the Sadie collection (also from slave jeff).
I’m forgetting a couple more that are on My nightstand LOL but I don’t have them with Me.
Now…..What are YOU or anyone else reading this comment reading?
What books have you loved…..or are loving now?
I like ANYTHING except romance (historical, hysterical or traditional)…..that’s My only book restriction.
MsOlivia, I tend to read more scifi and fantasy books mostly. Right now I’m reading some Larry Niven. I also love vampire books, or at least good ones. I tried reading the first Twilight book, decided it sucked, and have not picked up another one. I do love Anne Rice, Laurell K Hamilton, and I have to admit I have read almost all the Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse books being a huge fan of True Blood. I admire You that You can read several books at once. Not for me. I have to read only one at a time or I’d forget what I’d read before.
Hey, magnus……okay, so please tell Me….what’s the deal with the Charlaine Harris books? I’ve seen them and, frankly, didn’t even check them out. If the recommendation is coming from you….I want to hear more. So……..where do I START? What do you recommend?
I LOVE SciFi ….. got into that as a kid and Heinlein remains one of My favorite authors for AMAZING quotes!
Right now, I’m only ready two books….Yogi….It Ain’t Over (Yogi Berra w/ Tom Horton) (baseball) and Ordinary Heroes, Scott Turow (WWII).
Do you know I actually get guys who call the phone sex number to talk about how strange My Wish List is? ~laughs~ I am NOT kidding!
LOL……I plow thru words like there’s no tomorrow…..but listen, seriously, I’m like an idiot savant …. really upper percentile on language and cringe-worthy LOW on math!
MsOlivia, re:Charlaine Harris, let me ask You first if You are a True Blood fan. I know many of the Ladies here are as I am myself. I started watching the show first and then heard about the books the show was based on, i.e. The Southern Vampire series. So I started reading them for that reason. I have to say the show is much better than the books, but I do like the books. They’re a quick read and they’re fun and best of all, they’re sexy. As for where the start, the first book is Dead Until Dawn. (All the books have “Dead” in the title.) Although there are a lot of deviations from the show, I do also find reading the books gives me a better understanding of what is going on in the show.
LOL on the wishlist call. When an email just will not suffice….
And I’m good at math myself, so I’ll do that part for you. 🙂
I don’t what it is about you *good at math* guys….but I have such a friggin’ soft spot for y’all! Maybe because I’m so artsy-fartsy and word oriented. The math/science men have the BEST sense of humor! I’m not kidding! I’ve done unpublished and unreplicated studies — just for you, I’ll wear the black peep toe stilettos and a short skirt when I present My finding at the poster session.
Errrm on ever seeing True Blood. I actually watch tv only on very RARE times and then, it’s more reruns of blocks of shows. Lame, I know. Part of it is that when I’m logged in for phone sex calls I stay logged in for blocks of time. But, even before doing this I tend to forget about schedules and miss shows! I’ve never seen True Blood! I’m going to take a look 🙂
I’ll be sure to be sitting in the front row when You do Your presentation, MsOlivia, but I can’t promise to be looking at the slides You put up. 🙂
I certainly understand the not watching much TV. I’m the same way but there are a few shows I do go out of my way to watch and True Blood is one of them. I know You won’t be alone in EE land if You pick up the TB bug as well.
Hey magnus…..have you ever watched Heroes? I just started watching that and OMG, I’m sooooooooooo hooked! ~laughs~
Hi Mistress, whats the longest time one of your slaves has gone without cumming? because I am dedicated to you, but I just seem to be unable to last longer than a week:/
You are completely welcome Olivia! I am so happy that you are enjoying them. Those are my favorite books on BDSM, especially “Uniquely Rika”, and have helped me integrate my submissive desires in a deeper way.
Wow, it sounds like you may be considering the interview with Tia! Hmm, or maybe your just being a tease *smile*. Well, I would love hearing you and Tia having a conversation on fun and sexy topics. (I was certainly fascinating hearing you and Violet together on our call!) But of course, only if it were something you were comfortable with…
“It’s almost like fasting for a spiritual purpose is different then not eating for other reasons.”
Your comparison with fasting is a very insightful way of putting it. At least for me, being in chastity for my Mistress feels totally different than being abstinent for any other reason. Like your comparison suggests, it is a physical sacrifice that creates a powerful emotional, erotic, and yes, even a spiritual bond to her. It intensifies my feelings of worshipfulness towards her. One could view it as almost a kind of spiritual magical discipline.
But also like fasting, it takes a very real toll on me to forgo my sexual release for long periods. However, my Mistress is able to give me direct supervision and control, to both protect and develop me as I offer to her my devotion. So maybe it’s like fasting and sacrificing to a goddess, except my Goddess is not an abstract, but a flesh-and-blood, beautiful and spiritual lady who can whisper in my ear as she accepts my devotion.
I have other thoughts on the topic of chastity, but it’s hard for me to express them without getting too wordy. (This is already quiet wordy 🙂
EXACTLY slave jeff! I can totally *see* you smiling as you describe your experience with Ms Violet! Is it the difference between mere actions …. and actions in SERVICE of a higher calling. That higher calling is a concept but as you point out it is not merely an abstraction ….. rather you have a flesh and blood person…..whom I also ADORE …. that encourages, supports, guides, instructs and more.
It is where the conceptual and the abstract MEET that the sparks really begin to FLY. They don’t call it Power Exchange for nothing! ~laughs~
And, seriously, the GIFT of submission and the offering of something as intimate as control of a man’s orgasm is SUCH a powerful gift.
You are a TREASURE slavemind….a totally treasure!
You always flatter me, and you so get it! I love it that you and Violet are friends.
That brings me to another question – Are you two still considering doing a radio show together? You would be SO incredibly good together!!! Your voices, ideas, and personalities are just so complementary. I honestly think you would have the best sexy radio show out there.
THANK you slave jeff! I got distracted!! We are still thinking about it….but, it’s not on the schedule yet. Both Ms Violet and I get VERY busy when we’re logged in for phonesex so it’s a matter of working out the timing! AND, frankly, Ms Violet is way more organized than I am! I should just go visit her and do it in person, together ….. *gasp* !
Hello Mistress… thank you for suggesting this way for me to pose my questions to you. My issue is resistance and purging. Recently, I split up from a girlfriend of a year. This followed a recent bought of me surfing the internet for all types of sissy and feminization material, including some ((sessions LDW doesn’t do)). I keep getting this urge to become a cum guzzling sissy slut.
I’ve done it before, in spurts (wink). I’ve probably been with about 60 men, but only a few times in full femme. It turns me on like nothing else. Some days, all I want to do is become a woman. But I’ve bought the clothes, the wigs, the shoes so many times, and every time I just end up masturbating and then lose the whole edge of it for a while. Often I purge. Then I go at it again later.
Recently, I met a dominant Mistress online. After an extensive conversation, she’s told me that she wants me to be her sissy-slave, FOR LIFE. Basically, I would come live with her (if she meets and approves of me), and she’d transform me into a passable woman who’d also work as her secretary. I’d be kept. Recently unemployed and split, I have no ties, really. Not even a lot of friends in the area. So, the timing seems ideal. The idea of completely surrendering my life over to life as a sex object has been a long fascination with me. In this case, she wants me legally change my name, and go out with her in public. I’d also have a chastity device, and be forced to serve her male boyfriends. Basically, my old life would dissolve and this one would take over. She even lives not far from where I am! It is quite the opportunity.
However, I’m not sure how to handle it all. In my regular life, I have an independant streak. I don’t know if I could keep up submissive FOREVER. I find myself wanting the proverbial magic wand… someone or soemthing to just transform me so that sex and servitude are all I think about and I actually experience only joy without any guilt.
Any advice on how I might handle this? How to actually GO FOR IT in a committed way that I can’t back out of? Thus far, I haven’t even been able to shave my legs due to the permanency of it. And yet, it’s the permanency that I crave. This woman is even talking hormones. She means business, and I am deeply aroused at the thought of becoming her servant. Your thoughts, mistress, would be greatly appreciated.
Actually sissy kathy I think your posted question is so important I’m going to turn this is a whole blog post. As most of you know, this blog is about phone sex but it is also about REAL issues facing our fetish community. You bring up several interesting and important points … I’m going to answer each of these in a series of posts.
BTW, thank you SO MUCH for posting your question here ….really intricate questions deserve My time and attention and I’m generally not able to do that in the free IM chats …. I can give time, attention, etc but it’s not My UNDIVIDED attention.
After a little bit of exploration on your site, I’ve discovered that this is the life of a sissy cuckold. It REALLY appeals to me!
Hi kathy! Lots of things involved in a real life cuckold relationship. Actually, that is a fantasy that is often BEST left to phone sex …. it’s tricky to DO in the real world with real people involved.
Thank you, Mistress.
you’re welcome kathy …. your posts will be after the current post about the love of Super Hero’s and fetish! ~laughs~ Just reading that makes Me laugh! Seriously, I think you bring up some important topics and I don’t want to gloss them over. Phone sex is often (with Me) more than just the sex.
mistress i have a doubt… is it bad if we masturbate every day?????
and also would like to know how did you like the feeling when you did it for the first time….
Hi Andy….thanks for your question.
Once a day masturbation is WELL within *normal* …. I hate to use the word normal because what is normal for one might be considered outside the norm for others. I handle questions like this on phone sex calls all the time. From what you say here, NO WORRIES!
My first time? How did I LIKE it? ~laughs~ same as you sweetie … masturbation and orgasms are GREAT!
You’re 42 years old and gorgeous. How come you never had any children when you were younger Empress Olivia?
Why thank you youtube! I never had children because I never had children. Not much more to say but thank you for posting your question 🙂
Hi Mistress – remember me? Three part question:
1) What’s the best quality to have as a sissy – physically or otherwise? What really pleases a Mistress?
2) If you had to choose one article/item for a sissy to wear at all times, including every day life (to remind her of her true place), what would it be and why? Panties? Bra? Plug?
3) Do you get disappointed when sissies or other callers/texters disappear for a period of time?
Kisses and curtsies…
Sissy Caroline
*waves* Hi sissy caroline! Thanks for your questions.
1. You asked: What’s the best quality to have as a sissy – physically or otherwise? What really pleases a Mistress?”
Short answer is this: It depends, I don’t *do* cookie cutter sessions and don’t have simple answers to complex questions like that one. So, whether it is a real life situation or creating hot phone sex scenes the creation takes place between two people in conversation about needs, wants, and desires.
2. You asked: If you had to choose one article/item for a sissy to wear at all times, including every day life (to remind her of her true place), what would it be and why? Panties? Bra? Plug?
Once again, no simple answer from Me. Things like that are co-created in conversations for sessions. One thing I will say is wearing a butt plug “at all times” is not a smart move for health/safety questions. ANY blending of the fantasy over into the real life needs a more extensive conversation and I tailor things to the life and lifestyle of the individual I’m talking with.
3. You asked: 3) Do you get disappointed when sissies or other callers/texters disappear for a period of time?
I sometimes WONDER but that is different than disappointment. Like anyone, I get *attached* to the intimate connections and hope everything is well with someone I care about. I simply send good vibes to the person. People disappear for various reasons …. a new relationship, marriage, job change, needing/wanting different Mistress energy. It’s ALL good 🙂