Phone sex style from this Experienced Mistress

Mistress phone sex style Listen to me read you this Experienced Mistress blog post. I get this question from every new person. I totally understand why the first (or second) question is something along the lines of “What kind of Mistress are you?”   It...

Power exchange and humiliation by Mistress

Many ways to experience power exchange Listen to me talk to you about power dynamics in a D/s relationship. In any relationship between Dominant and submissive, there are all sorts of ways for you to experience power exchange.  I use my personal Mistress style to help...

Fetish style of the Experienced Mistress

Fetish style of Mistress Olivia I’m getting lots of question about my fetish style on our calls.  I think these are all fantastic questions — with some similar answers.  The short answer is, I like our intimate and naughty connection with the emphasis on...

Mistress style of the Experienced Mistress

What is My Mistress style? The most common question I’m asked is whether I am a sensual or strict Mistress.   I like to point out that My personal style tends to be on a continuum of various styles.  That means I’m not stuck is a box. Sensual or strict Mistress...