Olivia 1-800-601-6975

Want to *see* Me on vacation?  *wink*  Now, that I have your …. ahem …. attention, I wanted to let you know I’ll be away from Friday, September 16th until Thursday September 22th.

I even have a SCHEDULE PAGE on the blog so you can keep up to date with all My comings and goings.  Ohhhhhhh, now that sounds darn right naughty, darn RIGHT!   Until I *see* you again, please leave your comments and I will answer each and every one when I return.

While I’m gone …. don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.  Erm….wait….~ laughs~ you know what I mean.  I hope YOU have a great week too!

An earlier blog post asked the question what is “normal” in terms of sexual arousal and erotic fantasies.

Since we’re in a kinky community that is considered outside the vanilla *norm* I asked folks on our adult social networking site, Enchantrix Empire how comfortable they are with their sex fantasies.

The poll results change so click here to see the latest.  But, as of right now, 59% say they’ve always been comfortable with their sex fantasies.  41% of respondents say they have wondered if their sexual desires are *normal*.

Like with most of blog posts and all of My polls, I use the original content to spark a conversation.  The real FUN of the exploration is in the comments section.  I love that you are so willing to share your sex secrets and intimate thoughts/feelings with Me. THANK YOU.  I cherish that!

I’m going to start us off with Eddie’s comment:

Eddie says, “Well what is Normal? “Normal” is what is considered acceptable by the majority of society. What is considered acceptable today is very different from what was considered normal say 60 years ago. And today’s normal will be very different from what it is 60 years from now.”

Eddie (and many others) bring up a good point about the concept of normal being tied to time, culture, class …. it’s ALL about context.  When I read Eddie’s comment I immediately thought about the original Kinsey reports on human sexuality.  The book on men came out in 1948 and the book on women followed in 1953.  Talk about a bombshell!  What those reports and others have shown is that the private fantasies and behaviors usually don’t *match* what is presented in public.  So, we’re back to the question of, what is *normal* …. ?

My *society* is the Mistresses, Dispatchers and executives here at LDW.  Also included in My society is the community of My blog and Enchantrix Empire.  My direct and main community is, of course, the people who call for erotic conversations, fetish fantasies and any sort of phone sex.  Given that this is My context, I have a very expansive definition of what is *normal.”

Kel wrote about this in his comment on the poll.  His society includes the real life kink/fetish community.

“Anyway, I’ve noticed a tendency in myself to look at male dom/female sub relationships as “normal” and tend to view the things that I am into (Femdom) as somehow “edgier” and “kinkier”.

It’s a strange place to be, to view certain people who are heavily in the leather scene as “normal” but that goes to show how fluid the concept is. When you’re surrounded by kinky people, a new “normal” comes into play.

I agree kel !  Submip has a nice, elegant definition:  “For me anything that is consensual between all parties is ‘normal’.”  Safe, sane and consensual (and RACK – risk aware consensual kink) are the watch words of the fetish community.

Is there anything else to add?  Eddie finishes his comment with something that I cherish about the EE community and I think would make a wonderful standard in conversations about what is *normal* in terms of sexual fantasy.

Eddie says:  “… our society, if you will, is the Enchantrix Empire. Here the preponderance of what is normal seems to be, in my opinion, Tolerance. We choose not to judge someone for their fantasies or lifestyles but accept them simply as another unique human being and most anything is acceptable as long as it doesn’t hurt yourself or someone else.”

Yours in tolerance and kink,

Ms Olivia

PS, I’ll be away doing fun, naughty things until Sept 22nd but I’ll talk with you then 🙂