Olivia 1-800-601-6975

Those of you enjoying my Cock Stroker Academy will see some BONUS bonus content.  Not only are you getting a taste of how I do these yummy cock training programs but you’re also getting to see some new photos.  ~wink~  Are you enjoying yourself?

Blogs and other naughtiness

If you look to the right side of your screen you’ll see my availability button:  red for away, yellow for busy and green for available.  Remember to hit refresh so you can see *real time* if I’m available for your call.

Under that button you’ll see the button for my Wish List — which I’m told is a quirky and fun read in itself.  (This is NOT a hint to give gifts I’m more straightforward than that).

Under THAT  you’ll see a listing for ALL MY BLOGS and there are 5 total these days.

vanilla phone sex

I know, I know!  I need to head over there and leave blog posts!  ~laughs~  I’ll update asap!

NEW photos on various blogs

I’m telling you all this to let you know there are new photos on these various blogs.  Check out the posts, audio pages, the about Olivia page, etc.  I’m sort of *sprinkling* the photos around….so you might need to go on an Olivia treasure hunt!  ~grinz~


Ms Olivia