Reaction to chastity interview
In several recent blog posts, I’ve talked about The Intelligent Femdom chastity interviews by Ms Constance. There is a long and vibrant history of Femdom and chastity. Chastity phone sex is amazing because of the swirl of energy of distance domination and power exchange.
I turned the chastity questions into questions for you here on the blog and I want to highlight a really thoughtful blog comment from Ms Fiona’s chastity pet. Who is Ms Fiona? Read about Ms Fiona’s chastity challenge.
comment from a chastity pet:
1. The loss of control and submission to sexual feminine superiority. I mean it’s really not debatable as to who the superior sexual being is and who ultimately controls relationships. Some women are absolutely magical in my eyes.
Multiple orgasms……hello……men can’t do that. Well some can but not by listening to their cocks! In fact, Mistress Fiona currently has me locked while teaching me how to have multiple dry orgasms with the help of some tantric techniques and the aneros. Had an incredible one for the first time in my life a few days ago and there was zero loss of desire. Instead of going caveman, grunting, and losing interest for days I’m more eroticly charged up than ever and on fire for my Mistress.
2. What helps me is regular contact and checking in. So I don’t feel all alone when dealing with the roller coster of emotions. Doesn’t have to be a lot and just seeing a message, email, assignment, or quick hello from one’s Mistress turns it into a livable reality and gives the pet something tangible to hold on to. Knowing that Mistress is reveling in her control and ownership of her locked-up property versus just indulging a fantasy. I’ve had it both ways and when left alone for days on end I can easily get discouraged.
My reaction to the blog comment
This is SUCH a great comment because it is very thoughtful and detailed. I like that. There’s more to this comment and you will see more posts. Thank you chastity pet. Ms Fiona is very lucky to have you!
Your Experienced Mistress,
Ms Olivia
With my wedding planning, soooo many details! I have hardly had the chance to think about being locked in chastity. However I know my bridal shower is coming up and chastity will be a focus of the ceremonies 🙂
~giggles~ And what are you thinking about NOW that you realize that chastity will help you with your wedding planning? Hmmmmmmm? LOVE the new dress idea btw 🙂
You are certainly welcome Ms. Olivia and I’m honored you thought enough of my comments to profile them. After reading your chastity interview with Ms. Constance, there is no doubt that you really understand the dynamics involved and are no doubt an excellent Chastity Mistress. I must say I feel very lucky to have Ms. Fiona as my Chastity Mistress as well. It has been a wild ride so far and I am experiencing chastity in a new more mature and profound way under her guidance.
This is another GREAT comment from Ms Fiona’s chastity pet! Just like with everything … the more you (and your partner) knows about the dynamics of chastity, the better the experience will be. I think that’s true for everything but you really notice it with things that have nuances and layers. I’ll give a non fetish example. My first baseball games were only so-so because I didn’t know the nuances of baseball strategy, players/teams, etc. So I was simply enjoying being outside in the sun for a game. NOW that I know the nuances even the delays in play (like for a call challenge/replay check) or a trip to the mound have new meaning. Chastity MUST have meaning and nuance in order for this to be FUN …. otherwise, it’s just a dick locked up and you’re all alone.
Wow! That is a great comment! I have to agree with everything the commenter said, from a Mistress’ perspective. It’s very important to have that contact and emotional support. And the dry orgasms? Well, I kept a chastity pet in chastity for 101 days, and then for 379 days. He was allowed to have dry orgasms, but once he did, he had to go back in the cage. What do you all think about dry orgasms? How many of you can have them?
You’re so right about the non-orgasms during chastity! When a guy is in chastity regular penis milking is such a fun thing to do …. he stays soooo achingly aroused! ~grinz~ I love that you keep guys in long term chastity, that is an art form and lots of fun for the man in chastity and his Chastity Mistress! ~smiles~
Ms. Courtney……I think the dry orgasms are sort of a double edged sword but I would definitely prefer to have them versus not while in chastity. They simultaneously give the pent up frustration a temporary outlet to vent yet ultimately serve to increase one’s ache and overall level of arousal Mistress Fiona has really come to like the sounds she gets out of me when I have them so I’m sure many more are in my future! She keeps me locked with the assistance of the aneros for dry orgasms.
I am let out at least once a week to stretch things out with some stroking and edging however. Mistress’s cock is infinitely more pleasurable and just a whole other creature all together than my normal free cock. The sensation of those first few strokes are mind blowing. One who hasn’t experience the difference between their cock and Mistress’s cock just can’t fathom what they are missing imo. I compare it to eating sweets. If one partakes of them often in a gluttonous fashion then they become habituated to them and they aren’t even that sweet tasting anymore. But deny one’s self those sweets for a few weeks and even a apple will taste like the sweetest thing one has ever tasted.
You’re exactly right about the ‘eating sweets’ analogy! I was totally off ANY refined sugar and when I ate a ripe peach it taste too sweet ….. but ahhhhhhh. Right? ~grinz~ I love this comment … oh the penis milking is such a fun thing to do with a chastity pet! ~grinz~
First of all, don’t you LOVE it when our pets (as well as other mistress’ pets) all us to peek into their little brains? Second of all, I think Ms. Fiona must be a total rock star to teach her pet how to enjoy multiple orgasms! I have a book on Tantra I have been meaning to pick up and finish reading, this pet’s comments make me want to take care of that TONIGHT!
~laughs~ Oh YES Ms Piper….because the mind of a submissive is a yummy thing to behold! I find the swirling of a submissive’s mind to be highly …. ahem … arousing to me! ~grinz~ Ms Fiona’s pet did point out that since he is cock locked in chastity he does have a fair amount of … ahem … pent up ENERGY. ~laughs~ Oh yeah he sure does!
Well yesterday marked one month of lock-up with Mistress Fiona. ((…. Ohhhh this amazing blog comment is going to end up in a future blog post post …. ))) Up next is an .. ((what’s coming UP so to speak? … you’ll find out!)) ….. Mistress believes this is the ultimate submission.
I love this wonderful comment Fiona’s pet! Personally I’m so excited that you’re still in chastity and still able to channel all this … ahem … pent up sexual energy into these blog comments. This is pretty damn thrilling to both of us! Thank you for yet another delightful blog comment that I’m going to turn into a blog post! ~smiles~