Ms Olivia 1-800-601-6975

Reaction to chastity interview

In several recent blog posts, I’ve talked about The Intelligent Femdom chastity interviews by Ms Constance.  There is a long and vibrant history of Femdom and chastity.  Chastity phone sex is amazing because of the swirl of energy of distance domination and power exchange.

I turned the chastity questions into questions for you here on the blog and I want to highlight a really thoughtful blog comment from Ms Fiona’s chastity pet.  Who is Ms Fiona?  Read about Ms Fiona’s chastity challenge.

comment from a chastity pet:

1. The loss of control and submission to sexual feminine superiority. I mean it’s really not debatable as to who the superior sexual being is and who ultimately controls relationships. Some women are absolutely magical in my eyes.

Multiple orgasms……hello……men can’t do that. Well some can but not by listening to their cocks! In fact, Mistress Fiona currently has me locked while teaching me how to have multiple dry orgasms with the help of some tantric techniques and the aneros. Had an incredible one for the first time in my life a few days ago and there was zero loss of desire. Instead of going caveman, grunting, and losing interest for days I’m more eroticly charged up than ever and on fire for my Mistress.

2. What helps me is regular contact and checking in. So I don’t feel all alone when dealing with the roller coster of emotions. Doesn’t have to be a lot and just seeing a message, email, assignment, or quick hello from one’s Mistress turns it into a livable reality and gives the pet something tangible to hold on to. Knowing that Mistress is reveling in her control and ownership of her locked-up property versus just indulging a fantasy. I’ve had it both ways and when left alone for days on end I can easily get discouraged.

My reaction to the blog comment

This is SUCH a great comment because it is very thoughtful and detailed.  I like that.  There’s more to this comment and you will see more posts.  Thank you chastity pet.  Ms Fiona is very lucky to have you!

Your Experienced Mistress,

Ms Olivia