Paula the Dispatcher says I have a Magic Pussy

Here’s a conversation with me and Paula Pimptress, LDW Group Dispatcher:

Dispatch Paula:  “LMAO I have a caller on the line asking “What the hell is she talking about for so long”

Me: “OH! That poor guy!  What did you say?”

Dispatcher Paula: “ I told him about your Magic Pussy. He said he was going to mention it next time he speaks to you.”

Me:  “OMG hahahahahahahaahaa.  That made me laugh!  That’s a blog post:  Paula says, Olivia has a magic pussy.  Laughs.  I actually talked with him longer than this call (at least so far).”

Dispatcher Paula:  “LMAO LMAO  He said the call was awesome and it was like sitting around with girlfriends chatting”

Me:  “Awwww, I feel the same way!  We had a lot of fun!”

Dispatcher Paula:  “I SH*T YOU NOT………I just answered the phone and got “IS the Magic Pussy available?”  This caller set up an open call back with you.

I never busted out laughing so hard in my life. I was looking at your Magic Pussy comment when I answered and he asked to speak with the Magic Pussy.  Seriously I think I pulled a muscle from cracking up too hard and fast.”

Here’s what to do when I’m on a call

This caller is right, some of my calls are long — because of my Magic Pussy — LOL — and sense of humor!

If I’m on a call, you can ask the Dispatcher how long she thinks I’ll be.  Some calls have an automatic cutoff, that means she can tell you how long I’ll be and you can set up a callback or call in the minute you see that green (available) light on this blog.  (( Remember to refresh so you see the latest availability status.))

While you’re waiting, contemplate what we’ll talk about and hope that you get to talk with Paula Pimptress and then … moi.

Tweet from Paula via @LDWDispatch: “ I truly love my job. Yesterday a customer made me laugh so hard and fast I think I pulled a muscle. It involved Olivia and her Magic Pussy.”

Now – it’s your turn to “pull a muscle” – we can laugh, do something else, or … both!

Your Experienced Mistress,

Ms Olivia