Are you in the kind of relationship where you can tell your partner about your sexual kinks? I don’t mean “sort of allude to them occasionally and beat around the bush about them.” I mean “be 100% open and honest about what turns you on.”

If you answered yes, then congratulations! You have the kind of relationship that most kinky people can only dream of having!

The Weekly Hot Spot a BDSM, kink, fetish, podcastIf you answered no, don’t worry. Many other kinky people are in the same boat. In fact, we talk about this issue a lot on the BDSM kink podcast I do with Ms Erika. It’s called The Weekly Hot Spot and you can find it on your favorite podcast platform. Here’s one episode to get you started:  Help! How do I get my wife to dominate me?

Maybe you don’t want your partner to dominate you, but you do want your partner to at least know this kinky side of you. It’s always scary to be vulnerable, but if you have a pretty solid relationship with your partner, then you might be able to tell your partner about your sexual kinks a lot more easily than you might think.

A Kink Conversation Can Be Quite DauntingExperienced Mistress Olivia

Have you ever tried to talk to your partner about the kinky things that turn you on? If so, you know it can be rather nerve-wracking, no matter what the ultimate outcome of the conversation turns out to be. And if you haven’t ever tried to tell your partner about your sexual kinks, you’ve probably heard horror stories from other people who have. Regardless of how you choose to handle it, it can be difficult.

The most important thing to think about when debating with yourself whether you should fess up or not is the strength of your relationship. Do you have a strong enough relationship with your partner that it can weather most anything? Or is your relationship on shaky ground at the moment? A strong relationship is absolutely necessary if you want to talk to your partner about your submissive desires.

In a strong relationship, even if your partner decides in the end that they aren’t interested in indulging your fetishes, it won’t spell the end of the relationship. A strong relationship can withstand a nuclear bomb. So your confession about your secret desires should not really harm it in any meaningful way.

Other Things To Think About Before You Tell Your Partner About Your Sexual Kinks

Here are some other things to think about before you make up your mind about whether to tell or to keep mum. Is your partner open to new experiences in general? An open-minded person is far more likely to be amenable to new sexual experiences than a closed-minded person.

Another thing to consider is this: Are you able to have open conversations about sex and sexuality in general with your partner? If so, this bodes well for you telling them about your kinks. If your partner feels safe and comfortable discussing sex with you (and vice-versa), the kink conversation will likely go a whole lot smoother than it otherwise might.

Also, have you ever hinted at what you’re interested in? If so, what kind of reaction did it get? Did you make a joke about your friend next door being pussy-whipped by his wife? And did your partner respond in a way that seemed conducive to exploring something like that? If they did, there’s a much better chance that they’ll be curious about exploring your kinks, too.

These are just a few things to keep in mind before you tell your partner about your sexual kinks. Ultimately, it’s up to you to make the decision about whether or not to tell. If you are choosing to confess, I wish you the very best of luck. I hope the conversation goes exactly like you want it to. And if you need some more assistance with what to say or how to say it, I can help!

Your Experienced Mistress,

Ms Olivia